tekom - Europe

News from tekom Europe

If you stay on the ball, you will take the lead in expertise. Read about what's going on at tekom.

tcworld conference 2020 - day 1

The first virtual tcworld conference with digital fair has begun: a very special event, with new possibilities and formats. Instead of at ICS Stuttgart as usual, exhibitors, speakers, students and interested parties from all industries related to technical communication are meeting online this time.

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The Importance of Information for Use in Electronic Form

Information for use in digital form is already commonplace in many industries. First and foremost, the software industry has already been working mainly with electronically provided information for use for years.

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"The tekom" 2020 – Member Survey Confirms Virtual Direction

"The tekom" – as members affectionately call the tcworld conference – is celebrating at least its 35. anniversary in 2020. So tekom is striking out in a new direction – 2020 is the first “virtual tekom” in the history of conferences by tekom. We asked our members what they thought. 1215 people in total took part – with surprising results: the feedback is highly positive.

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Tecom Schweiz is now a corporate member of tekom Europe

We are pleased to announce that, on July 9, the tekom Europe assembly of delegates unanimously voted to accept Tecom Schweiz as a corporate member. tekom and COM&TEC founded tekom Europe in 2013. Tecom Schweiz became associated with tekom Deutschland in 2001, but now was the time for Tecom Schweiz to join the European organization as well.

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tcworld conference and tekom fair 2020 will be held in purely digital form for the first time

After observing the situation for a long time and testing various concepts and scenarios, tekom has decided with a heavy heart to go the purely digital route in 2020 for the tcworld conference and tekom fair. In order to offer a live experience to as many participants as possible, the event will take place over 5 days.

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tekom Belgium Is Growing Beyond Borders

tekom Belgium has always been looking for ways to collaborate and network across language and national borders. We are excited to announce that Jan van der Veen has joined the tekom Belgium Initiative Committee.

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One May Presume Conformity – EN ISO 20607 Now Listed as a Harmonized Standard under the Machinery Directive

For years now, various standardizing bodies have written about technical documentation and communication: for example, the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure/Association of German Engineers) with their standard VDI 4500 Sheet 1-4 (bilingual) or, on the international stage, ISO/IEC/IEEE with their standard IEC/IEEE 82079-1, Edition 2.

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Personal and Digital at the Same Time

Here at tekom, we find ourselves in the midst of change, which we would like to actively shape together with our members. To learn more about our members’ wishes and needs, we sent out a survey in Autumn 2019. Nearly 800 members in all age groups and with different professional requirements provided comprehensive feedback to the tekom board.

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iiRDS listed in Standardization Roadmap Industrie 4.0

The intelligent information Request and Delivery Standard (iiRDS) is listed in this year's publication of the Standardization Roadmap Industrie 4.0. Among other things, the Standardization Roadmap Industrie 4.0 describes the current state of development of Industrie 4.0 as well as requirements for standards.

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EN IEC/IEEE 82079-1 – When Will the National Language Versions Be Published?

Just to anticipate one question: In most countries, a concrete publication date has not yet been set. But starting now, the clock is ticking.

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