About us
tekom Israel is one of the 10 country organizations within tekom Europe, the largest professional association for technical communication worldwide. tekom Israel was founded in July 2017 and is addressed to all those active in the field of technical communication or in other areas of information development and information management in Israel. These include, for instance, technical writers, technical illustrators or technical translators, product or marketing managers.
What do we offer?
We offer a platform for the exchange of information and experience, and promote the training and advanced qualification and further professionalization of our members. We organize several webinars as well as events each year with expert presentations, workshop sessions and discussion rounds about various topics in the broad field of technical communication.
Our goals
- Organize workshops and roundtable discussions around topics of common interest
- Share experience and learn from each other
- Provide networking opportunities
- Build a professional community of technical communicators in Israel
- Promote tekom Europe
- Cooperate with universities that offer courses in the field of technical communication and related areas
- International networking with fellow country organizations
Our Initiative Committee
Paula R. Stern
Delegate and Spokesperson of tekom Israel
Yoni Palmer
Member of the tekom Israel Initiative Committee
Ezriel Yellin
Substitute delegate and member of the tekom Israel Initiative Committee