Harmonized Academic Programs
The European TecCOMFrame standard defines the requirements for an academic qualification in technical writing.
Academic Competence Framework for Technical Communication
The academic competence framework "TecCOMFrame" is the European standard for academic education and training in technical communication. It was developed by an international consortium of educators in higher education in a project sponsored by Erasmus Plus.
The standard for study and teaching in the academic training of technical writers
TecCOMFrame offers the following to those interested in the profession or study of technical communication, employers, job centers and institutes of higher education:
- Specific information on technical communication and the profession of technical writer
- A comprehensive overview of all competences relevant for future technical writers with an academic education
- Curricula proposals for different degrees for study opportunities

The academic competence framework defines the requirements of academic qualification of technical writers on the basis of the European qualification framework, for the different levels of academic training programs, e.g. Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
It is divided into six academic disciplines in technical communication:
- Academic perspectives
- Communication and culture
- Content
- Management
- Technology and media
- Interdisciplinary skills
Each discipline contains several subjects and topics. For these, the learning contents, learning objectives and competences to be taught are defined.
curricula proposals
On this basis, curricula proposals for study opportunities have been developed with the following degrees:
- Bachelor's
- Consecutive Master's
- Non-consecutive Master's
- Specializations in technical communication for language and translation study programs
- Specializations in technical communication for engineering sciences
- Academic training programs
They can be used by institutes of higher education to develop or adapt study programs in the field of technical communication. Institutes of higher education are supported by TecCOMFrame, based on the competence framework, in developing new study opportunities, due to which the number of academic programs and thus also the number of graduates should rise.

All results of the project can be found on a comprehensive information portal.