tekom - Europe
23. May 2024 | tekom Danmark

tekom doc dinner: Copenhagen

Event information | Registration

We had great success with our doc dinners in 2023 and want to continue the initiative in 2024. 😎🤩


  • Meet and greet
  • Discussions
  • Fun, food and drinks

tekom Danmark is host for the first beverage, and the participants pay for their own meals and further drinks.

The event is open to all technical communication and language professionals.

Event information

Date of the event
23.05.2024 | 17:30 - 20:30
Event location
The Union Kitchen Østerbro, Øster Farimagsgade 16A, 2100, KBH (inner Østerbro).
The menu has a wide variety of food at very reasonable prices from "veggies" to Vitello Tonato to Burger. Have a sneak-peek here: https://www.theunionkitchen.dk/osterbro-menu/
How to get there

The location is central, close to Statens Museum for Kunst, Kartoffelrækkerne, Nørreport. Only 6-7 minutes by bus from Nørreport Station. 

Contact person
Steen Magnussen steen@yourprocure.com
Download schedule


Conditions of Participation

With the registration and participation in the event you accept the conditions of participation for country organization events and information on data protection.

Schedule overview

Registration Deadline

The registration deadline has passed.