Bibliographic Information
27 Pages,
1. Edition 2023
ISBN 978-3-96393-069-0 (E-Book PDF)
Technical Communication on the Road to Digitization
Author(s): Straub, Ziegler
Publishing Company: tcworld GmbH
- Subjects:
- Digitalisation
- Categories:
- White Papers
- Keywords:
- Digitization
35,00 € (for Members 0,00 €) E-Book PDF, 27 Pages Delivery time: 2-3 working days Status: Available
In order to show where technical communication stands and where the journey is headed, user surveys were used to create a representative picture of current digitization initiatives and objectives as
well as their concrete implementation. In addition, conclusions were drawn concerning digital development in technical communication.
Digitization is red-hot in technical communication
Digitization is a topic that more than 90% of companies are currently actively addressing. However, companies often lack experience with these new, innovative approaches and solutions. Therefore, the need for knowledge and information is high in order to avoid unnecessary problems and to implement digitization projects successfully and efficiently.
For this reason, tekom has actively taken up the topic of digitization in technical communication and associated projects.