Bibliographic Information
68 Pages,
1. Edition (translated from the German ed. 2013) 2014
ISBN 978-3-944740-02-7 (Softcover)
68 Pages,
1. Edition (translated from the German ed. 2013) 2014
ISBN 978-3-96393-028-7 (E-Book PDF)
Mobile Documentation
Author(s): Broda, Brüning, Closs, Dierßen, Friese, Hellfritsch, Mehne, Rüegg, Schmolz, Schober, Weber, Wendland
Publishing Company: tcworld GmbH
- Subjects:
- Digital Information Products
- Categories:
- Practical Guides
70,00 € (for Members 45,00 €) Softcover, 68 Pages Delivery time: New edition in preparation Status: Sold out – new edition planned
55,00 € (for Members 35,00 €) E-Book PDF, 68 Pages Delivery time: New edition in preparation Status: Sold out – new edition planned
This guide provides an effective, must-have tool to aid technical writers, illustrators, software experts and managers in the successful application of mobile technology in technical documentation.
The use of smartphones and tablets has spread rapidly. The question now is for which purposes technical communication should use these new opportunities, and how—for many, "how" has replaced "whether" as the question.
This guide will provide technical writers and corporate executives a tool for the successful deployment of mobile technologies in technical documentation.
The term "mobile documentation" comprises software support and information products of technical communication, which can be used both on smartphones and on tablets with touchscreens. These information products offer the user a whole new experience—through new operating gestures, the options from combining different media and the use of context-related documentation, as well as retrieving the relevant product information with a greater focus on topicality. The guide presents different prerequisites and requirements for the successful realization of mobile documentation projects. It intends to
- describe use cases for mobile documentation,
- outline the characteristics of mobile documentation,
- describe the basics of and the approach to strategy development,
- define technical and qualification-related requirements and
- identify the peculiarities of the editing process of mobile documentation compared to standard editing processes.
These explanations are complemented by checklists of critical success factors for the deployment of mobile documentation and a glossary, as well as a list of references.