TCWORLD CONFERENCE 2023 - 10 years tekom Europe!
At this year’s tcworld conference, we celebrated tekom Europe’s 10th anniversary. The celebration began with the Honors Banquet on Tuesday evening. The founding members of tekom Europe, who signed the founding papers of tekom Europe at tcworld conference 2013 in Wiesbaden, were honored. It was a wonderful evening with good food and good company.
Also interesting on Tuesday was the Arena around the topic of gender equality. The topic is still very recent, and there is a lot of discussion about it in the field of technical communication. The panel discussion with Dominique Puls and panelists from the Women in Localization group was very stimulating and gave inspiration to the participants.
On Wednesday, the tekom Europe track was held to mark the anniversary, with many speakers from our country organizations giving talks and workshops on exciting topics. A lot of it revolved around the very current topic of AI and related subjects, but not exclusively – there were also many hands-on workshops and presentations covering soft skill topics and teamworking. In the afternoon, the anniversary was celebrated once again with sparkling wine and cake. Everyone was delighted to be able to take part in the conference on site and celebrate our successful years together.
Even on the last conference day, there was still a lot on the program. The delegates of the country organizations, the Executive Board of tekom Europe and guests gathered for the last assembly of delegates in 2023. They talked about the past year but also made plans already for the coming year. Problems, concerns and ideas were discussed – it is always helpful when volunteers can exchange ideas with each other. Solutions are often found together, and new ideas are exchanged.
Thanks again to all the volunteers of tekom Europe who make this association great. If you are interested in volunteering for tekom Europe, please contact info@tekom.eu