tekom - Europe
13. August 2020 | tekom Bulgaria

2020 BarCamp

In the hard times of continuous pandemic cases, our tekom Bulgaria community ventured for its first on-site event in 2020.

We held our annual networking BarCamp initiative in the cozy garden of favorite SOHO co-working space on 13 August.

Nearly three hours passed in chatting, laughing, and enjoying the company of the bravest of the brave, the whole lot of six people and a half. Young Yassen took an interest in pioneering the Crawling after Bottles of Mineral Water manual and even talked the veterans into letting him kick the bad plush rabbit twice.

We had a sip and a bite and are looking forward to the next on-site tekom Bulgaria events.
Date of the event
13.08.2020 | 18:30
Event location