tekom - Europe

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Are you looking for a company in your region that can support you in the field of technical communication? Here you will find the specialists for your business.

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    Company Name City Industry Sector

    • Stötefalke CE-Dokumentation 33142 Büren - Wewelsburg, Germany Machine tools and tooling machines; special mechanical engineering; manufacturing systems; drive and forwarding technology; industrial tools (incl. electrical tools)

    • Alstom Power 68309 Mannheim, Germany Construction of large plants and power systems

    • Gollwitzer Ingenieurbüro 92694 Etzenricht, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • Lenze GmbH & Co. KG 31763 Hameln, Germany

    • Polytec GmbH 76337 Waldbronn, Germany

    • who Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH 23556 Lübeck, Germany Engine and control technology; robotics; automation; electrical motors; testing and measurement equipment; electronic systems

    • tedos - Information mit SYSTEM 74638 Waldenburg, Germany

    • Wendy Robinson Consulting 51491 Overath, Germany Creating technical documentation (authoring, graphic design, composition, layout)

    • G.Pöllmann 94167 Tettenweis, Germany Optical devices

    • Robert Biebel 82223 Eichenau, Germany Installations and equipment for electronic data and information processing (hardware, peripherals); messaging and communications technology