tekom - Europe

On-Demand Webinars

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User Assistance: (Im)possible Future of Technical Communication

Angel Lafchiev


Mankind has sought ways to acquire and share information since the dawn of civilization. Since the industrial revolution, automation and scale have become driving factors in virtually all industries. Technical communication plays an integral part of each product's development and delivery to his majesty, the customer. For a long time, the product of technical communication was predominantly in writing – well-known as documentation. But is that enough today? What is changing? Do we need to change and why? What do we change and how? We'll try to unveil the meaning behind user assistance and why we should care and get involved.


starting time
30/05/17 | 15:00 clock
Time zone
tekom Bulgaria
Recording available only to logged-in members.


Angel Lafchiev

Angel Lafchiev holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. He was one of the lucky few to take part in shaping the field of technical communication in Bulgaria since the beginning of the new millennium, when he established the first team of technical communicators in a software company in Bulgaria at the local subsidiary of SAP, the world’s largest business software vendor. Currently, he is a user assistance development manager at SAP Labs Bulgaria, leading a team delivering user assistance for SAP Cloud Platform.