What is our procedure for planning a conference?
- 12 months before: We take care of the initial planning of the conference.
- 8 months before: We launch our call for papers via our various channels such as WebPortal, newsletters and social media.
- 6 months before: Papers submitted will be discussed and selected by the advisory board for conferences.
- 5 months before: Based on the selection, the program will be created.
- 2 months before: Articles for the conference proceedings will be prepared.
- The conference takes place.
- 1 month afterward: The slides of the presentations are uploaded, and participants’ feedback is evaluated and passed on.
The most important aspect for all those who want to become speakers at our events and international conferences: the Call for Papers. When we call for the submission of lectures, it is your turn.
To make sure you don't miss this opportunity, subscribe to our newsletter so that you don't miss the Call for Papers or other important information.
If you have any specific questions about the Call for Papers, please feel free to contact us cfp

How do I submit a contribution?
This can be done using our conference tool. Each speaker may submit a maximum of three papers so that we can ensure that the conference is varied and multifaceted. These proposals are reviewed and evaluated by the advisory board for conferences, which consists of very different people: from service providers to university employees to industry representatives. This diverse group of people anonymously awards points according to specific criteria. The total number of points in turn reveals how relevant and popular a potential lecture is.
In a joint advisory board meeting, the proposal of a presentation is discussed, because not only does the total number of points of the presentation count, but also how many other concepts an individual or a company has submitted. So that nobody dominates our conference program too much, a speaker can present a maximum of two presentations per conference and a company can be represented a maximum of four times. The decision as to who will be accepted as a speaker also depends on this.
As soon as the final selection has been made, those who become part of our conference will be informed.
What is important when creating a proposal?
For a proposal you have 2000 characters available to sketch your topic, structure the presentation in advance and use your imagination. You can find out which topics are particularly relevant to us and which presentation formats are available here.
What support do I get as a speaker?
Of course we won't leave you stranded – especially if you are planning to become a speaker for the first time. There are questions that we would be happy to clarify with you and uncertainties that we will gladly clear up for you.
- Guideline: You can download our guide for speakers, which provides all relevant information.
- Support: You can contact our head office directly at any time with any questions you may have. We will be happy to help you.
- Webinar: We offer one webinar with all relevant information for those who would like to become a speaker as well as another for the ideal preparation of your presentation.
- Coaching: Our advisory board members are happy to act as tutors for you and provide you with practical tips and tricks. Simply state in your proposal that you would like to receive support, or let us know by other means.
- Speakers Briefing: In this online session for all speakers, you will find the most important information before an event as well as have time to ask questions.
- Room support: During your presentation, you will receive support, especially in technical matters.
- Feedback: The feedback from your audience helps you to develop as a speaker by accepting tips and suggestions for improvement as well as well-deserved praise.