Actively shape and influence the association
Our Advisory Boards engage intensively with key issues, inform and advise the assembly of delegates and help to make decisions.
Technical Work
A big share of the work of the association, in terms of content, takes place in the advisory boards and working groups. These form an important foundation for the professional development of technical communication and contribute with their results to the improvement of member services. The executive board appoints the advisory boards and working groups as well as the respective members. In general, a staff member from the head office also supervises the advisory boards or the working groups. All members may apply to participate in working groups at the time of the call for participation.
Advisory Boards
The advisory boards are assigned to a specific subject area and exist on an ongoing basis. There are currently three advisory boards:
Additionally, there are another five advisory boards within tekom Deutschland: education and training, standards, Dokupreis (docu award), conferences and publications. Wherever possible, advisory boards in the same subject area cooperate with one another.