Partners in science and research
Do you and your colleagues want to connect with lecturers at other higher-education institutions? We have an excellent network for this.
University membership
Does your university teach technical communication or a related subject? Are you and your team looking for a strong community within a scientific and economic framework? Join the university membership for up to five people.

Your advantages as a university member
Your registered university members enjoy all the benefits of an individual membership.
In addition to our wide range of networking opportunities, we help you get in contact with other universities at home or abroad. For example, we organize international meetings for university teachers; many new joint projects have been set up there in the past.
We are committed to promoting the profession so that young people become interested in technical communication and start studying in this field, for example. We are happy to provide you with information material.
We are looking for university representatives to get involved in advisory boards, working groups or projects; we plan to set up mixed groups consisting of academics and industry representatives. You also have the chance to present your research at one of our many events and conferences.
We publish on a regular basis, e.g. in our Proceedings or Year Book; feel free to submit your articles or scientific research projects to us.
Present yourself, your university and your degree program at our exclusive university exhibition area at the tekom fair, the world's largest industry meeting. Connect with others and set up new contacts.
How to become a member?
- Download your membership application as a PDF document.
- Complete the application.
- Return it either
by email to info@tekom.de,
by regular mail to our head office:
European Association for Technical Communication – tekom Europe e.V.
Heilbronner Straße 86
70191 Stuttgart, Germany
What are the membership fees?
University member (corporation) Registered members have the right to vote and participate actively in tekom. Non-registered employees may participate at tekom events at the reduced fee for members. | |
Annual fee for up to 5 registered members | 360.00 EUR |
Application fee (one-time) | 60.00 EUR |