tekom - Europe

On-Demand Webinars

The library contains recordings of our past webinars that you can watch at any time. This is a service exclusively for our members and you need to login to 'my tekom' to watch the recording.

software documentation

How Agile Takes the "Technical" Out of Technical Communication

Kai Weber


This webinar takes a fresh look at the user documentation in agile software development. Not so much the theory, but the messy realities and how to survive them, sprint by sprint. After working with agile teams and agile writers for several years, Kai Weber shares lessons learned the hard way: How agile changes the way you work. And how it changes the way you communicate to your readers, to your teams, and to your colleagues.


starting time
31/10/19 | 15:00 clock
ending time
31/10/19 | 16:00 clock
Time zone
tekom Europe
Recording available only to logged-in members.

learning objectives

  • Why you need a new mindset, not a new checklist for agile
  • Why flow is important for agile tech writers
  • What is a minimum viable product in agile documentation
  • How doc stories can save you
  • How to run agile events - and non-events
  • Why you can't use a hockey stick to navigate a waterfall


Kai Weber

Kai Weber

Kai Weber is Lead Technical Writer at SimCorp GmbH. Since 1999, he's been designing and implementing software documentation strategies. Since 2017, he's helping agile tech writers succeed as a team and grow individually. Kai supports tekom in the update of the ISO 26515 standard and as a certification examiner.