10. April 2024 | tekom Danmark
The new Machinery Regulation - does this mean new requirements for your documentation?

Thank you to all the participants of this popular live event orchestrated by tekom Danmark! The attendees actively contributed to the success of the venue with their focused attendance, questions, and interactions. Special thanks go to the BEUMER Group located in Aarhus and their key staff, who hosted and organized the meeting with excellent facilities and hospitality. Approximately 50 participants joined a packed program throughout the session.
tekom Danmark moderated the session and guided us safely through the following agenda:
- 13:00-13:30: Registration
- 13:30-13:45: Welcome by tekom Danmark and a short introduction to our “tech-doc” community
- 13:45-14:45: Company presentation by the BEUMER Group on their documentation process, including their use of the ST4 CCMS (Component Content Management System)
- 14:45-15:05: Coffee break
- 15:05-16:05: “Maskinsikkerhed ApS”, represented by Thomas T. Petersen, presented:
- The new Machinery Regulation (as opposed to the current Machinery Directive)
- ISO 20607 Safety of machinery
- The correlation between risk analysis and documentation
- 16:05-16:15: Break
- 16:15-17:15: Workshop in groups where participants discussed various topics related to the new Machinery Regulation, CCMS platforms, activities, and more
- 17:15-17:30: Wrap-up and end of event
Welcome and short introduction to tekom Danmark
tekom Danmark provided a brief overview of tekom Danmark, our board, membership status, events, and LinkedIn pages. We also discussed upcoming events such as “Doc Dinner,” an onsite "Leadership" event at Grundfos, and more.
(PowerPoint presentation available for everyone)
Company Presentation by the BEUMER Group on documentation and the ST4 CCMS Platform
Per Nielsen, Head of Documentation and Standardization Tools at BEUMER, introduced us to the current global BEUMER Group and took us on a nostalgic journey back to the early days with the former company “Crisplant.” Sophie Thulstrup, Mathias Refsgaard, and Kasper Jacobsen, key staff members at BEUMER, then provided a detailed online introduction to their content delivery platform, which is shared by BEUMER in Denmark and the rest of the group, including the parent company in Germany. This platform is also used by BEUMER’s clients. We were, in fact, invited “behind the curtain” to view examples of online manuals, maintenance guidelines, spare parts catalogues including 3D drawings, tracking of older versions of documentation, and much more. It was truly interesting and well-organized down to the smallest detail.
(PowerPoint presentation available only for members)
The New ‘Machinery Regulation’ – What’s new compared to the existing ‘Machinery Directive’?
Thomas Petersen from the consulting firm “Maskinsikkerhed” gave an in-depth presentation on the new “Machinery Regulation” adopted by the EU. As it will replace the current “Machinery Directive,” this topic was naturally relevant and significant for attendees involved in technical documentation.
(PowerPoint presentation available only for members)
Workshop in Groups
Throughout the day, participants were encouraged to add workshop topics to a whiteboard. From these topics, attendees freely joined their preferred workshop group to discuss issues such as the new machinery regulation, CCMS platforms in general, ST4, and other activities.
- Date of the event
- 10.04.2024 | 13:00
- Event location
- BEUMER GROUP A/S, P.O. Pedersens Vej, Aarhus N, DK
- Speaker
- BEUMER representatives. Thomas T. Petersen from "Maskinsikkerhed Aps"
- Contact email
yourprocure.com @