tekom - Europe
06. December 2024 | tekom Danmark

End of year summary 2024

It's time for us to do the year-end review. We'll tell you about the membership development and give some highlights from our experiences this year.

Membership development

We hit a new all time high on the number of members, and we're happy to announce that we are now at 128 members. 🥳🥳🥳

This is an important milestone for us, and it highlights the importance of the work we do. We're happy to see we continue to have a very strong community, where we help each other out, share experiences and knowledge and generally take an interest in what is happening in our field. Thanks a lot for supporting us on this journey. 🙏

This year, we also had 7 people terminate their memberships. The reasons were changing jobs to positions not related to technical communication or to companies without memberships. 

On the other hand, we had 23 new members joining us this year. Our visits to Aarhus University and the University of Copenhagen gave us 13 new student members, and we'll continue that collaboration in 2025. 🤩

A new focus on in-person events

2023 turned out to be a little too busy for us, so we decided to turn down the volume a little bit and focus our energy on meeting with you in real life in 2024.

It resulted in 3 well-visited events, 5 doc dinners and a great conference.

First of all, we're extremely happy to see the support we received from you throughout the year. If you wouldn't participate and be members, there wouldn't be a tekom Danmark. So thank you very much - and please keep it up in 2025. 🥳🤩

Our top 3 successes this year:

  1. tekom doc dinners are here to stay! 
    Like last year, we see good attendance for our doc dinners. Especially in Aarhus, the format works really well. In 2025, we'll change the setup a little bit, and for Copenhagen find a place that we can have as our regular spot - just like in Aarhus. We look forward to continue these efforts and our greeat conversations next year.
  2. University events extremely successful!
    In the Spring, Maiken visited the University of Copenhagen to talk about building a career in technical communication at the "branchedag" for language students. It was a very successful day that offered different perspectives on how the students can use their language degrees in their future careers.

    Per hosted an excellent event at Aarhus University in the fall. Here, we both talked about skills, trends, career building and the students had a chance to meet companies and ask questions. It was a huge success, and we believe the format is here to stay! We will also make a similar one with the University of Copenhagen next year, so more students can benefit from the knowledge.
  3. Nordic TechKomm Copenhagen
    This year's conference was again a huge success. +140 people participated in 2½ days of knowledge sharing, new learning, networking and trends and technology discussions. A big thank you to all speakers and participants, and especially the support from the head office and our sponsors. Without them, we wouldn't be able to create such a great conference.

It was proven again this year that the personal interactions are important and help us build a solid network in the industry. We see a big increase in tekom Danmark members, but also followers on our LinkedIn page and members of our LinkedIn group

We got a lot of great support from the head office in Stuttgart, and we want to send special thanks to our community managers Katharina Willer and Susanne Lohmüller and conference managers Elisa Weber, Stela Garic and Tatjana Odida. Without their help, we wouldn't be able to offer such a great variety of events and an amazing conference for you and other technical communication professionals.

You can read reports from all our events via this link.

Development in tekom Danmark

2024 was a rewarding year in a new way. Our lazer focus on in-person events created more calmness in the board and the way we work with events.

We also saw job changes happening for all members of the board, so some of the things we set out to do had to be paused. We do our work in tekom Danmark on a volunteer basis, and we were better at taking time to re-energize this year and take good care of each other.

This year, we also had some fruitful meetings in the Nordic collaboration with tekom Sweden and STVY Finland, and we expect it will continue next year. Maiken was also lucky to be part of the celebration of tekom Sweden's 60 years anniversary - what an achievement! 🥳🥳🥳 Sweden has reached 60 years, as it started as an association for technical writers many years ago and later continued as tekom Sweden.

As part of the anniversary, our member Peter Ring was rewarded the first Ulf L. Andersson award for his loyal support throughout the years and his contributions to the community. Maiken had the honour of giving the speech and handing over the award - such a nice experience and a great day at the conference in Stockholm. 

Our biggest success this year is another big increase in members. We believe it shows we're on the right path and our strategy works.

Our biggest challenge this year was again resources. We hope to re-start some of the initiatives next year. We'll meet in January 2025 to kick-off the year and make a plan for what to do.

If we should sum up the year in just a few words they would be: Rewarding, busy and interactive.

    We want to thank you all for a great 2024. We in the board are happy about the progress we made together, and we look forward to seeing you and your colleagues in 2025.

    We wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - stay safe!

    All the best from

    Holger, Steen, Per and Maiken

    Your tekom Danmark board

            Date of the event
            06.12.2024 | 12:00
            Event location
            Here, there, everywhere! 😁