11. June 2024 | tekom Danmark

This exciting tekom event on "Leadership in Technical Documentation" and integrated networking sessions was held in some very prestigious and professional conference facilities at the "Grundfos Center" in Bjerringbro, near Skanderborg.
Grundfos welcomed nearly 40 participants with some very tasty lunch sandwiches before the event started.
The agenda for the day was as follows:
13.00-14.00 Lunch, registration and "get together"
14.00-14.45 "Technical Communication Architecture & Excellence" by the Grundfos TCAE team; Anette Bjørndahl Høyer, Ilze Lande Knudsen and Tomas Danielsen
14.45-15.15 Networking break
15.15-16.00 Regina Fichter's presentation on leadership in technical documentation at Grundfos - now and in the future
16.00-16.30 Networking break
16.30-17.20 Workshop to discuss leadership issues
17.20-17.30 Wrap up of the day and see you next time
Brief summaries:
Welcome and brief introduction to tekom Danmark
Holger Thater from tekom Danmark gave a brief overview of tekom Danmark, the Danish board, membership benefits, events and LinkedIn pages. Upcoming events such as the "Doc Dinner", the annual "Nordic TechKomm" and more were presented.
(The PowerPoint presentation is available to all)
Company presentations from Grundfos: technical documentation management, global organisation and leadership
The local Danish "TCAE team" consisting of Anette Bjørndahl Høyer, Ilze Lande Knudsen and Tomas Danielsen gave a nice and detailed presentation about how technical documentation is created at Grundfos and how this is organised in a global organisation. "TCAE" stands for "Technical Communication Architecture & Excellence", which is responsible for content creation, translations, governance, standards, compliance and more.
Regina Fichter, “Head of Technical Communication Architecture & Excellence” then gave a very interesting and personal insight into her role as leader of an international documentation team. Regina gave all attendees an important take-away and food for thought: "Everyone in a team is a leader in a way, because everyone is responsible for their own area of responsibility"! Regina also touched on the topic of "AI", predicting that it will have - and already has - a major impact on our profession.
(PowerPoint presentations available for members only)
Workshop in groups
All participants were encouraged to write down workshop topics on a whiteboard. From these topics, attendees were free to join their preferred workshop group to discuss issues around leadership, technical documentation, AI in content creation and translation, and much more.
- Date of the event
- 11.06.2024 | 13:00
- Event location
- The Grundfos Center & Event Hall Poul Due Jensens Vej 23 8850 Bjerringbro
- Speaker
- tekom Danmark, Grundfos: Regina Fichter, Anette Bjørndahl Høyer, Ilze Lande Knudsen, Tomas Danielsen
- Contact email
danfoss.com @