tekom - Europe
09. October 2024 | tekom Danmark

Technical communication – now and in the future

“Technical communication – now and in the future” was the theme of the event organised in collaboration with Aarhus University. The event placed particular emphasis on work practices and how a degree in language and communication can be leveraged to launch a career in technical communication.

Around 35 participants were welcomed by Tina Paulsen Christensen, associate professor at Aarhus University, and Per Harbo Sørensen, board member of tekom Danmark. Per also introduced the participants to tekom Danmark and the benefits of a membership.

The event was a part of the technical communication course. The participants represented a diverse mix of students and professionals, bringing together individuals at various stages of their careers.

The afternoon program consisted of three presentations, followed by an opportunity for networking and company dating.

Presentation 1:

Why should I become a technical communicator? Which skills are required?

Speaker: Thomas Bro-Rasmussen, Labelling Manager, GN Hearing
Thomas gave an entertaining presentation on why it might be a good idea to consider a career in technical communication. He touched on the skills that businesses are looking for and the types of tasks you can expect in the field.

Presentation 2:

Meeting the customers’ need now, and in the future – The trends and how we prepare

Speaker: Magnus Pårup, Head of Technical Communication Solutions, Denmark, Etteplan
Magnus talked about today’s fast-paced market and the importance of staying ahead of customer needs. In his talk he explored the latest trends shaping technical communication and what it takes to meet evolving customer expectations.

Presentation 3:

Technical communication – my career path

Speaker: Tine Hertz, Head of R&D and Engineering, BAADER Food Systems Denmark A/S
Tine shared her career path in an engaging way and told about documentation in a global setup at BAADER. She also talked about machine safety and why it is an important part of technical communication.

Networking and company dating:

The final part of the event offered an opportunity for conversations between students and industry participants. Additionally, three companies – KeyShot, Beumer, and DEIF – set up small booths where students could "date" a company. Throughout the afternoon, many valuable connections were made, and the students gained a great insight into the industry of technical communication.


Date of the event
09.10.2024 | 12:00
Event location
Aarhus University, Aarhus
Thomas Bro-Rasmussen, Magnus Pårup, Tine Hertz
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